Planning on spending a day in the field? Here are some tips to help with your success.
You can wear shorts and a T-shirt but take along a long sleeve shirt, long pants, and a jacket. Be prepared for changes in temperature and walking through brushy areas.
Food, WATER, at least one gallon per person, rock-hounding tools like a hammer, brushes to clean specimens, gloves, and storage containers for rocks such as cloth bags, buckets, or corrugated boxes or flats.
A first aid kit, clothing appropriate to conditions, maps, sunscreen and bug spray.
No sandals!!! Wear hiking boots or very sturdy athletic shoes, hat, gloves, and sun glasses.
A GPS, notebook, camera, and a mineral ID book would be nice but not necessary.
Regular or paper towels to wrap specimens.
Trash bags – Pack it in, Pack it out. Be more than responsible.
Picks, shovels, large hammers, pry bars and chisels. Be prepared to retrieve what you find.
If you go alone, make sure someone knows where you are going!