My daughter Corrine has signed up for a Girls in STEM fall/winter program and I'm happy to report that she's been LOVING it so far! This week they're working on a 'Geology 101: Understanding the Earth' project. (As a kid, I always loved learning about Pangea and how the earth changed over time...this project is fun for both of us hehe!)
The instructor asked the girls to put together a report explaining why geology and the study of the earth is so important to Earth Science. They will need to briefly discuss how plate tectonics work and the concept of geologic time, describe the rock cycle and understand how rocks and minerals are formed, and explain how the oceans, weather and climate all impact the earth. You listed some wonderful websites for us to check out! Thank so much! I'm not sure if you've seen it, but Corrine really enjoyed this Geology guide:
It's a nice little overview that was perfect for their project. The glossary of geology terms was fantastic, as was the career information for student’s interest in geology. (Sometimes it's hard to see the big picture of your career choice when you're a kid!) Corrine thought it might help other students who are new to geology and would like to explore it further. Do you mind adding it to your links page for us? I know Corrine would be delighted to share this with the rest of the Stemettes if you include it. Please get back to me when you have a chance.... The club meets Monday after school and I'd love to surprise her:)
Thanks again!
Mrs. Kimball